
Our commitment to people and sustainability

FRV is passionate about this project and recognises the importance of ensuring the project is a success for the local community. It is important that the concerns of the local and broader community are considered and addressed appropriately.

The project is currently in the planning stage, and we are progressing with detailed environmental assessments based on feedback from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). This includes consideration of the socio-economic impacts associated with the project.

Consultation with residents close to the project has commenced, and will continue to inform the broader community of the project milestones as we progress with our plans for the solar farm – it’s important to us that residents feel they have every opportunity to talk with us at all stages of the project. If you would like to be kept up to date, please contact us here to receive our newsletter.

If you are a member of the community or are interested in the project, we encourage you to share any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions you may have, and they will be considered and addressed appropriately.

You can provide comments directly to FRV here. Please include accurate and complete contact information so we can get in touch to further understand your comments.

Economic and Social Benefits

Maules Creek Solar Farm is expected to create job opportunities during construction and operations. FRV requires all contractors working on its solar farm developments to hire local contractors and utilise local suppliers wherever possible. It is estimated that around 150 workers will be required to construct the project.

During operations 4 to 5 ongoing operational roles will be created. Maintenance contracts for panel cleaning, fence repair, road grading, etc. would also be required and would likely be met by local contractors.

Maules Creek Solar Farm represents a positive diversification of the local economy and brings investment to the area. It delivers additional indirect economic opportunities to local businesses including local grocery stores, restaurants, cafés, accommodation providers, petrol stations, vehicle servicing, pubs, catering, cleaning companies, tradespersons, tool and equipment suppliers and many other businesses.

Environmental Benefits

Located on the transmission line between Narrabri and Tamworth the project will deliver clean, zero emissions electricity to meet the region’s energy needs and helps further the development of the NSW clean energy industry. The solar farms output will be enough to supply renewable energy to more than 40,000 Australian homes.